Saturday, November 23, 2013

Drawing I - Arts 1316 Fall 2013 FINAL

This is what will be used to determine your final grade for the Fall 13 semester. 

From what I saw on the midterms you posted most of you have this work - but much is unfinished. 

You have until your Dec.13 class begins to finish all assignments, write your Artist Statement, send your completed digital Portfolio to my school email, and prepare your work for presentation to me for a sit down critique on Dec 13. Get BUSY!!!

Final Grade: Dual Credit Drawing I Fall 2013

Name_______________________________________________________________________ Date_____________

Classwork  Average:              (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Homework Average:               (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Online SB/Journal-Blog            (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Midterm:                                   (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Artist Statement:                        (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Final Portfolio:                          (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Final Critique:                          (  )  ____ out of  _____ points

Portfolio Grade: All finished artwork in a clean folder ready for presentation
                Number of Finished pieces ( 17 )          (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Composition:                                           (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Use of Medium:                                   (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Creativity and originality:                         (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Finished Classwork:
____ Plants in planters
____ Shoe drawing
____ White still life
____ 3 – 5 masks. Draw and overlap on 18X24 manilla paper using charcoal
____ Set a ground - still life with masks, using black and white charcoal to define and highlight
____ Practice drawing tables and stools in artroom.
____ Draw courtyard from band hallway, through the windows – include all windows, trees, cement structures, walkways and roof lines,etc. on 18X24 toned paper using charcoal
____ Using ink - Line drawings, using washes, creating values
____ Draw skeleton, add color washes
____ Use mirror and draw 10 - 15 min. sketches. Take photo of each other and print out in B/W for reference

Finished Homework:
____ Shells drawing
____ Toys drawing
____ Using your photographs of the contour drawings of white still life, combine several in your sketchbook
____ Take 5 newsprint drawings, cut out and glue to contrasting papers(don’t forget to cut out the eyes and mouths!!! )
____  9X12 perspective study - repeating shapes on a counter or the floor, ie coffee cups, shoes,etc
____ Using a low view point, draw front walk (including trees) of AHS -18X24 – Photograph your view
____ 9X12 ink study – bowl of eggs  - photograph and print out your still life

_____ Digital photos of each finished classwork and homework assignment and one paragraph written to explain each and  send to

Final Portfolio:
_____ Add remainder of photos and descriptions of finished classwork and homework assignmentsand one paragraph written to explain each to the Midterm assignment and send to

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Last 3 weeks of Dual Credit Drawing I - UPDATED -CHANGES IN RED

Week 12 - Nov 25 - 26 (and Thanksgiving Holiday!!)
Catch up on classwork drawings - your semester grade depends on your portfolio of finished classroom drawings. Semester test is Portfolio Review and it will be Dec 13.

Week 13 - Dec 3 - 6
Topic/Overview: This week focuses on Self portraits
Summary of Week 13 Assignments & Activities
 1. Self-portrait Videos, examples of self portrait historic self portraits of  Van Gogh, Picasso, Kollwitz, Kahlo 
2. Up close and personal Student drawings. Use mirror and draw 10 - 15 min.sketches. Take photo of each other and print out in B/W for reference
3. Examine each others’ weeks work as to successful execution of assignment, use of materials, originality, and creativity
 4. Digital Portfolio - Entire semester photos and word docs for each assignment. Create a digital portfolio to turn in and send to my school email

Week 14 - Dec. 9 - 13  
The last week of class will be for finishing work, matting, uploading finished work to blog, writing an Artist Statement, and the final Portfolio Review in class on Friday Dec 13.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Week 10 and 11 Assignments!!

Topic/Overview: This week focuses on learning to draw and create values with ink

Summary of Week 10 Assignments & Activities

1. Examples from art history, teacher demonstration, drawing and washes
2. Line drawings, using washes, creating values – 8 6X6 examples of techniques, glued on large black paper
3. Critique -Examine each others’ week’s work as to successful execution of assignment, use of materials, originality, and creativity
4.       9X12 ink study – bowl of eggs  - photograph and print out your still life
Pen, brush and ink demo

 Sumi ink techniques demo

Topic/Overview: This week focuses on continuing to create drawings in ink and add color

Summary of Week 11 Assignments & Activities

1.   Videos, demo, sumi brushstrokes and Rorschach.
2.      Draw skeleton on full sheet of watercolor paper, add color washes with watercolor when ink is dry, experiment with sumi strokes and do several Rorschach blots – make a small drawing out of 2
3.      Critique - examine each others’ weeks work as to successful execution of assignment, use of materials, originality, and creativity
4.      Make several sumi practice drawings and and do several Rorschach blots – make 3 small drawing out of your own Rorschach inkblots!!

  Rorschach info
  Sumi ink techniques

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Nov 4-8 - This week focuses on Midterm and Perspective drawing #2

Week 9 -  Nov 4-8
This week focuses on Midterm and Perspective drawing #2

Summary of Week 9 Assignments & Activities
Assignment for Midterm - Repost photo of each of your assignments including homework, and include one well written paragraph to explain each photo.

1. Linear perspective review - examples through history of perspective
Good Youtube videos 30 min. total  - write a full page of notes

2. This week's class work  - Draw courtyard from band hallway, through the 
windows – include all windows, trees, cement structures, walkways and roof lines,etc. 
on 16X20 toned paper using charcoal (this is one-point perspective)
3. Critique - examine each others’ weeks work as to successful execution of  
assignment, use of materials, originality, and creativity -
BLOG-leave a well written paragraph for each of your classmates' finished class 
4. Homework for Monday Nov 11 - 9X12 perspective study - repeating shapes on a counter or the floor, ie coffee cups, shoes,etc - photograph and print out your still life - at least 6 different values

Oct 28 - Nov 1 - Week 8 Assignments

Oct 28 - Nov 1 - Perspective part 2
This week focuses on perspective – one, two and multiple points

Summary of Week 8 Assignments & Activities
  1. Youtube videos
One point perspective

Two point perspective

2.Review one, two, and multiple point perspective.
3.Week's drawing - drawing tables and stools in artroom.
4. Critique - Examine each others’ week’s work as to successful execution of assignment, use of materials, originality, and creativity - BLOG-leave a well written paragraph for each of your classmates' finished class drawing
5.Homework - Using a low view point, draw front walk(including trees)of AHS -16X20 –        Photograph your view, upload it

Next week is the midterm assignment - it is already posted!