FINAL EXAM Fall 2013

Final Grade: Dual Credit Drawing Fall 13

Name____________________________________________________ Date_____________

Classwork  Average:              (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Homework Average:              (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Online SB/Journal-Blog      (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Midterm:                                 (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Artist Statement:                   (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Final Portfolio:                      (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Final Critique:                      (  )  ____ out of  _____ points

Portfolio Grade: All finished artwork in a clean folder ready for presentation
                Number of Finished pieces ( 17 )    (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Composition:                                       (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Use of Medium:                                     )  ____ out of  _____ points
                Creativity and originality:                   (  )  ____ out of  _____ points
Finished Classwork:
____ Plants in planters
____ Shoe drawing
____ White still life
____ 3 – 5 masks. Draw and overlap on 18X24 manilla paper using charcoal
____ Set a ground - still life with masks, using black and white charcoal to define and highlight
____ Practice drawing tables and stools in artroom.
____ Draw courtyard from band hallway, through the windows – include all windows, trees, cement structures, walkways and roof lines,etc. on 18X24 toned paper using charcoal
____ Using ink - Line drawings, using washes, creating values
____ Draw skeleton, add color washes
____ Use mirror and draw 10 - 15 min. sketches. Take photo of each other and print out in B/W for reference

Finished Homework:
____ Shells drawing
____ Toys drawing
____ Using your photographs of the contour drawings of white still life, combine several in your sketchbook
____ Take 5 newsprint drawings, cut out and glue to contrasting papers(don’t forget to cut out the eyes and mouths!!! )
____  9X12 perspective study - repeating shapes on a counter or the floor, ie coffee cups, shoes,etc
____ Using a low view point, draw front walk (including trees) of AHS -18X24 – Photograph your view
____ 9X12 ink study – bowl of eggs  - photograph and print out your still life

_____ Digital photos of each finished classwork and homework assignment and one paragraph written to explain each and  send to

Final Portfolio:
_____ Add remainder of photos and descriptions of finished classwork and homework assignments and one paragraph written to explain each to the Midterm assignment and send to

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